Mark is the Jenkins Documentation Officer, a long-time Jenkins user and contributor, and maintains the git plugin and the git client plugin. He is active in Jenkins special interest groups including the Docs SIG, Platform SIG, and Advocacy SIG.
This is a guest post by Mark Waite, who maintains the git plugin, the git client plugin, and is a technical evangelist for CloudBees, Inc. The Jenkins project booth at Jenkins World 2017 will include the "Pull Requests Corner", recruiting new Jenkins contributors. We think there are many people who will attend the conference without realizing how easy it is to help the Jenkins project, and how much the help is...
This is a guest post by Mark Waite, who maintains the git plugin, the git client plugin, and is a technical evangelist for CloudBees, Inc. While developing the "Intro to Plugin Development" workshop for Jenkins World 2017, I was impressed by the many Jenkins plugin development videos, tutorials, and guides. Here are some of my favorite plugin development topics and links. Plugin tutorial videos Jenkins Online Meetup Plugin Development Part 1 -...