The following plugin provides functionality available through Pipeline-compatible steps. Read more about how to integrate steps into your Pipeline in the Steps section of the Pipeline Syntax page.

For a list of other such plugins, see the Pipeline Steps Reference page.

Sonar Gerrit Plugin

sonarToGerrit: Post SonarQube issues as Gerrit comments

  • authConfig (optional)
    Override HTTP credentials specified in Gerrit Trigger settings to be used for review posting
      Nested Object
    • password (optional)
      This field will override the HTTP password from Gerrit Trigger settings and will be used for plugin purposes only.
      • Type: String
    • username (optional)
      This field will override the HTTP username from Gerrit Trigger settings and will be used for plugin purposes only.
      • Type: String
  • category (optional)
    • Type: String
  • changedLinesOnly (optional)
    • Type: boolean
  • httpPassword (optional)
    • Type: String
  • httpUsername (optional)
    • Type: String
  • inspectionConfig (optional)
    Configure accordance of SonarQube report(s) and project or module(s) path(s)
      Nested Object
    • autoMatch (optional)
      Allow plugin to match inspection and review system file names automatically (useful for projects with several nested modules)
      • Type: boolean
    • baseConfig (optional)
      Provides settings for the whole project
        Nested Object
      • autoMatch (optional)
        • Type: boolean
      • projectPath (optional)
        Provides module prefix for a file path for multi-module projects
        • Type: String
      • sonarReportPath (optional)
        Path to SonarQube report on Jenkins server. Default value is "target/sonar/sonar-report.json"
        • Type: String
    • serverURL (optional)
      URL of the SonarQube instance used for static code analysis
      • Type: String
    • subJobConfigs (optional)
      Provides separate settings for each module
        Array / List of Nested Object
      • autoMatch (optional)
        • Type: boolean
      • projectPath (optional)
        Provides module prefix for a file path for multi-module projects
        • Type: String
      • sonarReportPath (optional)
        Path to SonarQube report on Jenkins server. Default value is "target/sonar/sonar-report.json"
        • Type: String
    • type (optional)
      • Type: String
  • issueComment (optional)
    • Type: String
  • issuesNotification (optional)
    • Type: String
  • issuesScore (optional)
    • Type: String
  • newIssuesOnly (optional)
    • Type: boolean
  • noIssuesNotification (optional)
    • Type: String
  • noIssuesScore (optional)
    • Type: String
  • noIssuesToPostText (optional)
    • Type: String
  • notificationConfig (optional)
      Nested Object
    • commentedIssuesNotificationRecipient (optional)
      This setting allow to determine who will be notified in case there are several SonarQube issues matching filter settings found in particular commit.
      An e-mails sent to recipients will contain review information: title of review and list of comments (issues). Recipient settings:

      * None - No one;
      * Owner - Owner (i.e. author of the commit);
      * Owner and Reviewers - Owner (i.e. author of the commit) and all Reviewers (people who was added to reviewer list of the commit);
      * All - everyone in the project list.

      • Type: String
    • negativeScoreNotificationRecipient (optional)
      This setting allow to determine who will be notified in case if the build got a negative score due to issues matching score filter settings are found. An e-mails sent to recipients will contain review information: title of review and list of comments (issues). Recipient settings:

      * None - No one;
      * Owner - Owner (i.e. author of the commit);
      * Owner and Reviewers - Owner (i.e. author of the commit) and all Reviewers (people who was added to reviewer list of the commit);
      * All - everyone in the project list.

      • Type: String
    • noIssuesNotificationRecipient (optional)
      This setting allow to determine who will be notified in case there are no SonarQube issues matching filter settings found in particular commit.
      An e-mails sent to recipients will contain review information: title of review. Recipient settings:

      * None - No one;
      * Owner - Owner (i.e. author of the commit);
      * Owner and Reviewers - Owner (i.e. author of the commit) and all Reviewers (people who was added to reviewer list of the commit);
      * All - everyone in the project list.

      • Type: String
  • overrideCredentials (optional)
    • Type: boolean
  • path (optional)
    • Type: String
  • postScore (optional)
    • Type: boolean
  • projectPath (optional)
    • Type: String
  • reviewConfig (optional)
      Nested Object
    • issueCommentTemplate (optional)
      This text will appear as comment for a line with SonarQube issue in Gerrit review.
      There are some tags available:

      * <key> - will be replaced with issue key;
      * <component> - will be replaced with issue component info;
      * <message> - will be replaced with issue message;
      * <severity> - will be replaced with issue severity;
      * <rule> - will be replaced with issue rule name;
      * <rule_url> - will be replaced with link to rule description on SonarQube if SonarQube URL is provided in SonarQube settings section or rule name if URL is not provided;
      * <status> - will be replaced with issue status;
      * <creation_date> - will be replaced with issue creation date.

      Please note that only filtered by severity level issues and their counts will be shown in report.
      • Type: String
    • issueFilterConfig (optional)
      Issue filter to specify issues to be commented in Gerrit
        Nested Object
      • changedLinesOnly (optional)
        Only changed in current commit lines to be commented by Gerrit when checked. Modified files to be commented with all issues if this control unchecked.
        • Type: boolean
      • newIssuesOnly (optional)
        Only new SonarQube issues to be commented in Gerrit when checked. Modified files to be commented with all corresponding issues when unchecked.
        • Type: boolean
      • severity (optional)
        Minimum level of SonarQube severity to be reported to Gerrit.
        • Type: String
    • noIssuesTitleTemplate (optional)
      This text will appear as title of Gerrit review in case when no issues matching filter settings found.
      There are some tags available:

      * <info_count> - will be replaced with count of issues having INFO severity level;
      * <minor_count> - will be replaced with count of issues having MINOR severity level;
      * <major_count> - will be replaced with count of issues having MAJOR severity level;
      * <critical_count> - will be replaced with count of issues having CRITICAL severity level;
      * <blocker_count> - will be replaced with count of issues having BLOCKER severity level;
      * <min_minor_count> - will be replaced with count of issues having MINOR severity level or higher;
      * <min_major_count> - will be replaced with count of issues having MAJOR severity level or higher;
      * <min_critical_count> - will be replaced with count of issues having CRITICAL severity level or higher;
      * <total_count> - will be replaced with total count of issues.
      Please note that only filtered by severity level issues and their counts will be shown in report.
      • Type: String
    • someIssuesTitleTemplate (optional)
      This text will appear as title of Gerrit review in case when there are several issues matching filter settings found.
      There are some tags available:

      * <info_count> - will be replaced with count of issues having INFO severity level;
      * <minor_count> - will be replaced with count of issues having MINOR severity level;
      * <major_count> - will be replaced with count of issues having MAJOR severity level;
      * <critical_count> - will be replaced with count of issues having CRITICAL severity level;
      * <blocker_count> - will be replaced with count of issues having BLOCKER severity level;
      * <min_minor_count> - will be replaced with count of issues having MINOR severity level or higher;
      * <min_major_count> - will be replaced with count of issues having MAJOR severity level or higher;
      * <min_critical_count> - will be replaced with count of issues having CRITICAL severity level or higher;
      * <total_count> - will be replaced with total count of issues.
      Please note that only filtered by severity level issues and their counts will be shown in report.
      • Type: String
  • scoreConfig (optional)
      Nested Object
    • category (optional)
      This field describes under what category score will appear in Gerrit. This category should match one of existent Gerrit categories.
      • Type: String
    • issueFilterConfig (optional)
      Issue filter to specify issues to affect score in Gerrit
        Nested Object
      • changedLinesOnly (optional)
        Only changed in current commit lines to be commented by Gerrit when checked. Modified files to be commented with all issues if this control unchecked.
        • Type: boolean
      • newIssuesOnly (optional)
        Only new SonarQube issues to be commented in Gerrit when checked. Modified files to be commented with all corresponding issues when unchecked.
        • Type: boolean
      • severity (optional)
        Minimum level of SonarQube severity to be reported to Gerrit.
        • Type: String
    • issuesScore (optional)
      Score to be posted to Gerrit in case when there are SonarQube violations found
      • Type: int
    • noIssuesScore (optional)
      Score to be posted to Gerrit in case when there are no SonarQube violations found
      • Type: int
  • severity (optional)
    • Type: String
  • someIssuesToPostText (optional)
    • Type: String
  • sonarURL (optional)
    • Type: String
  • subJobConfigs (optional)
      Array / List of Nested Object
    • autoMatch (optional)
      • Type: boolean
    • projectPath (optional)
      Provides module prefix for a file path for multi-module projects
      • Type: String
    • sonarReportPath (optional)
      Path to SonarQube report on Jenkins server. Default value is "target/sonar/sonar-report.json"
      • Type: String

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