The following plugin provides functionality available through Pipeline-compatible steps. Read more about how to integrate steps into your Pipeline in the Steps section of the Pipeline Syntax page.

For a list of other such plugins, see the Pipeline Steps Reference page.

AIO Tests

aioImport: Publish results to AIO Tests - Jira

  • projectKey
    Jira Project key (eg. SCRUM) to which the results need to be reported to
    • Type: String
  • resultsFilePath
    Path to results file which needs to be uploaded. Path needs to be relative to workspace eg. /target/surefire-reports/testng-results.xml
    • Type: String
  • addCaseToCycle
    If checked, cases not already in cycle are added, else the cases are reported as errors
    • Type: boolean
  • createCase
    If checked and no case exists with a matching case key or automation key, a new case is created
    • Type: boolean
  • bddForceUpdateCase
    If checked, cases will be updated with scenario steps if they mismatch. Select if feature files from automation code repo are source of truth.
    • Type: boolean
  • apiKey
    API Token from AIO Tests - to move to credentials or global config
    • Type: class hudson.util.Secret
  • frameworkType (optional)
    • Type: String
  • entry (optional)
      Nested Choice of Objects
    • $class: 'ExistingCycle'
      • cycleKey
        AIO Tests Cycle Key that needs to be updated with results - eg. SCRUM-CY-1 Results will be updated to the specified cycle.
        • Type: String
    • $class: 'NewCycle'
      • cyclePrefix
        Prefix to be used while creating a new AIO Tests cycle. A new cycle would be created with prefix appended with timestamp of run eg.Regression Run Fri Dec 11 13:21:56 TZ 2020
        • Type: String
  • failBuildOnFailure (optional)
    If checked, the build result will be updated to failed, in case publishing results fails
    • Type: boolean
  • hideDetails (optional)
    If checked, case details from the publish results response will be hidden in job console log. If unchecked, status would be shown against each case that was published.
    • Type: boolean
  • jiraInstanceType (optional)
    • Type: String
  • jiraPassword (optional)
    • Type: class hudson.util.Secret
  • jiraServerUrl (optional)
    • Type: String
  • jiraUsername (optional)
    • Type: String

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