Browser compatibility

This page documents the browser support policy in the Jenkins automation server. It does not apply to the Jenkins website or other services hosted by the Jenkins project.

Support model

Jenkins web browser support falls into one of three classes:

  1. Level 1:  Aim to proactively fix these browsers and provide an equal UX across all.

  2. Level 2:  Accept patches to fix issues and make the best effort to ensure there is at least one way to do any action.

  3. Level 3:  No guarantees. We will accept patches, but only if they are low risk. This is the default unless a browser/version is listed below.

We do not claim any compatibility with or accept bug reports and patches for pre-release (e.g., alpha, beta, or canary) versions of browsers.

Browser compatibility matrix

Browser Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Google Chrome

Latest regular release/patch

Version N-1, latest patch

Other versions

Mozilla Firefox

Latest regular release/patch; Latest ESR release

Version N-1, latest patch

Other versions 

Microsoft Internet Explorer

Version 11, latest patch

Version 11, previous patches

Other versions

Microsoft Edge


Latest release/patch

Other versions

Apple Safari

Latest regular release/patch

Version N-1, latest patch

Other versions

Support for mobile browsers (e.g. iOS Safari) has not yet been determined.

Change history