Improve performance by lazy loading build records from the run list.
(pull 5942)
"View as plain text" shows correctly in polling log page.
(issue 67193)
Developer: New extension point Header as an interface that provides capabilities to render a specific header and a default implementation of that, named JenkinsHeader that is enabled by default.
(pull 5909, JEP-234: Customizable Jenkins header)
What's new in 2.322
Issue a warning to the system log when using agent-to-controller file manipulation idioms considered for deprecation, and collect telemetry about this as well.
(pull 5890)
Add descriptions of built-in administrative alerts to the global configuration alert selection page.
(pull 5937)
Modernise System Info and Log Recorder pages.
(pull 5925)
Jenkins startup could hang due to a deadlock in class loading.
(issue 67188)
Display full user name, rather than id, in securityRealm page when using the built-in security realm (regression since 2.243).
(pull 5925)
Display the "Configure System" icon in the drop down menu.
(issue 67033)
Developer: Register UberClassLoader as parallel-capable.
(pull 5931)
What's new in 2.321
Modernise the table design and add support for Ionicons.
(pull 5851)
Remove superfluous user interface elements, including images, mask-icon, and unnecessary resize handles.
(pull 5777)
Only apply trimLabels operation to affected nodes when adding or removing them.
(issue 67099)
Maven tool configuration works again (regression in 2.320).
(issue 67109)
Show ongoing first build in build history (regression in 2.314).
(issue 66969)
Fix filtering in update tab of plugin manager (regression in 2.320).
(pull 5908)
Permit additional safe types in agent to controller access control (regression in 2.320).
(issue 67105)
Upgrade the Guava library from 11.0.1 (released on January 9, 2012) to 31.0.1 (released on September 27, 2021).
Plugins have already been prepared to support the new version of Guava; use the Plugin Manager to upgrade all plugins before and after upgrading Jenkins.
(pull 5707, issue 36779, JEP-233, Guava web site, Guava 31.0.1 changelog)
Modernise the 'New view' and 'New node' pages.
(pull 5842)
Improve artifact list readability in dark theme.
(pull 5889)
Use CSS animation for console progress.
(pull 5871)
Allow plugin upload by URL in addition to file name.
(issue 4814)
Allow a plugin to dynamically insert a JAR file into its classpath.
(issue 66563)
Remove the --daemon argument from Jenkins command line arguments. Replace Akuma library from Jenkins core with simpler implementations using ProcessTree capabilities
(pull 5561)
Allow Jenkins to start when the JCasC configuration defines view-related permissions (regression in 2.302).
(issue 66470)
Correction of Label expression including a "implies" relationship without spaces around.
(issue 66613)
WebSocket connections now work when the Jenkins controller is running Java 11 and using self-terminated TLS.
(issue 61212)
What's new in 2.312
Update executable war from 1.45 to 2.0
(pull 5706)
Replace the old icons with the new SVG icons in the job trend page.
(issue 65928)
What's new in 2.311
Fix wrong parameter type for Text Parameter when triggering a build via the buildWithParameters API call.
(pull 5704)
Graphs now scale correctly on high resolution screens.
(pull 5697)
The checkbox labeled "Enable Agent → Controller Access Control" in the form "Configure Global Security" would always start out as disabled. Submitting the form without checking it would then cause a configuration change (regression in 2.307).
(pull 5694)
Load classes from plugins in parallel for faster startup on multicore machines.
(issue 23784)
Internal: Experimental support for URLClassLoader can be enabled by setting hudson.ClassicPluginStrategy.useAntClassLoader=false.
(pull 5698)
What's new in 2.310
This release build failed while release uploads were blocked. Installers, native packages, and jenkins.war were not published.
Jenkins 2.310 was not placed in the artifact repository or on the download site.
What's new in 2.309
Fix missing settings/cog icon in Plugin Manager.
Fix incorrect folder icon showing in projects (regression in 2.307).
(pull 5690)
Add ABORTED threshold to ReverseBuildTrigger.
(pull 5542)
Use SVGs over PNGs for the sidebar when possible.
Breadcrumb bar/logo/menu items are now correctly aligned on the left together.
Move old war/images folder to webapp so they can be used in frontend - the SVGs are now in the webapp/images/svgs folder.
(pull 5663)
Update appearance for feed bar and description button to be modern and consistent.
(pull 5664)
When the buildWithParameter API is called, if the requests with the same parameters in the queue are merged, the http response code of the request uses a more appropriate 303(see other) instead of 201(created).
(issue 66105)
Warn about use of master in a label expression when that's no longer in use.
(pull 5674)
Use full URL character encoding for the generated inbound agent launch string.
(pull 5636)
The default Docker images for Jenkins 2.307 ('2.307', 'latest', 'alpine', 'slim', ...) use Java 11 unless specifically tagged with the jdk8 string. See the Docker images use Java 11 by default blog post for more details.
Replace the term "master" with "controller" (for the main Jenkins application) or "built-in node" in user interface strings and documentation as appropriate.
(pull 5425)
Add migration code to change the node name (e.g. NODE_NAME environment variable) and label of the built-in node only after explicit migration by an administrator.
New installations get the new node and label immediately.
If a job definition, Pipeline definition, or tool installer reference must be tied to the built-in node, it should use the label "built-in".
(Built-In Node Name and Label Migration)
Add the system property jenkins.model.Jenkins.nodeNameAndSelfLabelOverride to specify a different node name and label for the built-in node (e.g. for Configuration as Code use cases) than the one otherwise determined.
This will not affect other uses of the node name, such as the URL to the built-in node (now /computer/(built-in)/).
(pull 5425)
GDSL file in jenkins-core library no longer reports an IllegalStateException when used in IntelliJ IDEA.
(pull 5662)
Improve layout of console output header.
(pull 5507)
Use the SVG version of the Jenkins text logo instead of the PNG.
(pull 5660)
Developer: Jenkins now uses an updated version of the AntClassLoader class with fewer custom patches.
(pull 5656)
Provide working "Help About" links for Jenkins CLI, Jenkins core, and Jenkins war.
(issue 64666)
Developer: AntClassloader will now ignore files that are part of the classpath but not zip files when scanning for resources. It used to throw an exception.
(pull 5650)
What's new in 2.305
Show tooltips when users hover on the SVG icons.
(issue 65923)
Ability to disable Java 11 administrative monitor with a system property.
(issue 66177)
Developer: Make AntClassLoader multi-release JAR aware when it deals with java.util.jar.JarFile.
(pull 5635)
What's new in 2.304
Fix an issue unzipping archives in a corner case when entries have the same path prefix as the target location.
(issue 66094)
Avoid polluting the log when usage statistics can not be sent.
(issue 66139)
Bump bundled Ant from 1.10.10 to 1.10.11.
(pull 5620)
Remove support for native JNR (Java Native Runtime) chmod(2) and stat(2) implementations as opposed to NIO (Java non-blocking I/O) via the hudson.Util.useNativeChmodAndMode system property.
This system property no longer has any effect.
(pull 5606)
Developer: Allow consumers of XmlFile to disable fsync(2).
(pull 5599)
Internal: Terminology cleanup to fix build time trend's distributed builds.
Only show the agent column when the controller has agents defined.
(pull 5625)
What's new in 2.303
Bump commons-compress from 1.20 to 1.21.
(pull 5624)
Developer: The hudson.util.SubClassGenerator and experimental hudson.model.TreeView class have been removed without replacement.
(pull 5566, pull 5603)
Developer: InterceptingExecutorService and its subclasses no longer extend or
(pull 5565)
A specific and rarely encountered internal error now again correctly shows details about the cause (regression in 2.292).
(pull 5537)
Improve contrast for the checkbox in the login page.
(pull 5536)
Jenkins redirects users to the previous page after login even if they were able to view it while not logged in (regression in 2.266).
(issue 64991)
Developer: View is now a DescriptorByNameOwner allowing its use as AncestorInPath.
(pull 5533)
Remove the Bytecode Compatibility Transformer library and related code from Jenkins core.
Developer: Plugins that rely on the hudson.model.Queue$Item#id or hudson.model.AbstractProject#triggers fields must be updated to call the corresponding getters.
(pull 5526, Vertx plugin, Slave Prerequisites plugin)
Developer: Remove JTidy dependency from Jenkins core.
Plugins that use JTidy functionality must be updated to explicitly declare a dependency on JTidy rather than relying on Jenkins core to provide this library.
(pull 5521, NIS notification lamp plugin)