Jenkins 2020 Elections are over, thanks to all participants! Please see the results announcement.

We are happy to announce the 2020 elections in the Jenkins project! Nominations are open for two governance board and for all five officer positions, namely: Security, Events, Release, Infrastructure, and Documentation. The board positions and officer roles are an essential part of Jenkins' community governance and well-being. We invite Jenkins contributors and community members to sign-up for elections and to nominate contributors for the elected roles. Deadline for nominations is Oct 15, voter registration ends on Nov 02.

These are the second elections held by the Jenkins project. During the 2019 elections, we elected 3 board members and 5 officers. You can find the voting results here. This year, we decided to make a few changes in the election process based on the 2019 elections feedback.

register button

Key dates

  • Sep 24 - Nominations open, voting sign-up begins.

  • Oct 15 - Board and officer nominations deadline.

  • Oct 26 (or later) - List of candidates is published, including personal statements.

  • Nov 10 - Voting begins. Condorcet Internet Voting Service will be used for voting.

  • Nov 24 - Voting sign-up is over.

  • Nov 27 - Voting ends, 11PM UTC.

  • Dec 03 - Election results are announced and take effect.

Signing up for voting

Any Jenkins individual contributor is eligible to vote in the election if there was a contribution made before September 01, 2020. Contribution does not mean a code contribution, all contributions count: documentation patches, code reviews, substantial issue reports, issues and mailing list responses, social media posts, testing, etc. Such a contribution should be public.

You can register to vote in one of two ways:

  1. Fill out this Google Form. This way requires logging into your Google Account to verify authenticity.

  2. Send an email to You will need to provide the information specified here.

During the registration period, the election committee will process the form submissions and prepare a list of the registered voters. In the case of rejection, one of the election committee members will send a rejection email. Every individual contributor is expected to vote only once.

Deadline for the voter registration is November 24.

Nominating contributors

Suggestions from the community members are highly valued, and the board welcomes additional nominations. If you feel that a particular person is well suited to help guide Jenkins, please submit a name and the reason for your nomination to Self nominations are also welcome.

Deadline for nominations is October 15.


The terms of office for these elected positions are:

  • Officer positions (1 year): December 03, 2020 to December 2, 2021

  • Governing board member (2 years): December 03, 2020 to December 2, 2022

Elections committee

The 2020 elections are coordinated by the Jenkins Governance Board members who are not up for re-election this year: Alex Earl, Ullrich Hafner, and Oleg Nenashev. These contributors are responsible for managing the process, preparing the nominee list for elections, forming and verifying the voter list, processing the votes, and announcing the results.

You can contact the election committee via Please use this email for any queries and feedback regarding the elections.

About the Authors
Oleg Nenashev

Jenkins core maintainer and board member. Oleg started using Hudson for Hardware/Embedded projects in 2008 and became an active Jenkins contributor in 2012. Nowadays he leads several Jenkins SIGs, outreach programs (Google Summer of Code, Hacktoberfest) and Jenkins meetups in Switzerland and Russia. Oleg works for CloudBees and focuses on key projects in the community.