image:https://rhetoricalcommons.org/OSAAC/sites/default/files/images/survey.jpg[image] +
The https://jenkins-ci.org/node/403[Jenkins survey] we’ve been running since https://jenkins-ci.org/content/come-join-jenkins-user-conference-san-francisco-september-30th[the Jenkins User Conference in San Francisco] has concluded. All in all we counted 721 responses --- thanks everyone for voicing their thoughts! +
Naturally, it took a while to tally that many responses, but thanks to https://twitter.com/ProductPrincipl[Lisa], we https://www.cloudbees.com/jenkins/jenkins-ci/2012-survey.cb[now have the result] in time for the holiday. +
As you can see in https://stats.jenkins-ci.org/jenkins-stats/svg/total-jenkins.svg[our installation tracking], Jenkins installation base has grown 66% since the last year, so I was naturally very curious if this has affected the area of focus for us the developers. +
However, when https://pages.cloudbees.com/Jenkins_Survey_2011_JenkinsSurveyDownloadPage.html[compared to the result from the last year], the first thing I notice is the consistency in many metrics. For example, about 83% of people considers Jenkins mission critical this year, and the last year it was 82%. The distribution between beginner/intermediate/expert users are also quite similar. +
But this year, we asked a number of questions that we didn’t ask the last year. One of them is the version control systems that people use. Here, we get 61% Subversion, 50% Git, and everything else is within 10%. So clearly we need to start shipping Git plugin pre-bundled! +
Another interesting question that we asked is the languages people use. There’s a surprising number of C/C++ projects on Jenkins (and good number of Ruby, PHP, Python, and C#!), which made me feel that we need to hear more from those users about the kind of tool integrations we need to be providing. +
One more gem is that whopping 11% of the respondents said they have written and contributed plugins to the community (that’s 82 people!), and another 9% of the respondents said they wrote one but just not sharing it because it doesn’t make sense (7%), or they couldn’t (2%). That’s about 1 in every 5 respondents writing some plugins, which is amazing, if you ask me. +
Another big part of the survey was asking respondents what are important in Jenkins --- is it documentation, quality, UI, etc? But I guess I shouldn’t spoil your fun of actually https://www.cloudbees.com/jenkins/jenkins-ci/2012-survey.cb[looking at the result], so please go take a look yourself! Also, if you want to tally the numbers yourself, here’s the anonymized raw data. +
I’ll hopefully do a separate post on the efforts we are taking to answer those points raised in the survey in coming days. +
About the Author
Kohsuke Kawaguchi

Kohsuke is the creator of Jenkins.